I think it was a Christmas gift that my mom got for my wife and I, tickets to the Vancouver Aquarium. Children 3 and Under are free which is an added bonus of course. The Vancouver Aquarium is something that I could also go back to, multiple times a year. There is also something fun…
New Member of our Household; Monkey the Betta
When we had a tour of “A”‘s preschool a couple of weeks ago, a large bowl caught my eye. Inside this large bowl was a red fiery fish; a Betta splendens named Monkey. You probably know them as Siamese Fighting fish. Well that had me thinking, I wonder if “A” and “W” would enjoy having…
Backing Up Family Phone Photos with WD MyCloud
In this day and age of technology, a lot of people have smartphones. The downside to some of those smartphones is that lack of expanding storage space (yes Apple, I am looking at you!). Even with the ability to expand on storage, you may want to access smartphone photos from a central location. What about…